The Global Justice Neighborhood

A worldwide project of the GJRC

Bringing people in vastly different locations together to generate self-directed, practical justice improvement by:

Sharing Ideas

Identifying Innovations

Learning from Each Other

Providing Support

The Global Justice Neighborhood is a welcoming space for everyone.

The Global Justice Neighborhood

Meet the neighborhood residents who want to meet you!

International Network of

Justice Improvement Organizations

The “Doers”

This Network is made up of people and agencies who are providing direct services to people involved in criminal justice situations. For example, people or agencies who:

  • Provide drug treatment programs
  • Support families of incarcerated individuals
  • Provide counseling or spiritual guidance in prisons
  • Maintain half-way houses or transitional living
  • Provide employment programs for returning citizens
  • Provide legal services or court representation
International Network of

Justice Support Organizations

The “Supporters”

This Network is made up of individuals and organizations who are interested in helping the doers with expertise, training, moral support or funding. For example, people or organizations such as:

  • Churches
  • Civic groups (Rotary Club, Optimists, Lion’s Club, etc.)
  • Individual philanthropists or trusts
  • Foundations
Giving-Back Network of

Formerly Incarcerated Persons

The “Ambassadors”

A network of formally incarcerated persons with a proven interest in contributing to civic life and who contribute to justice improvement as Global Justice Neighborhood ambassadors and independent justice monitors around the world.

  • Giving back to communities by consulting with and assisting “Supporters”
  • Guides and monitors of program impact and costs for “Doers”
International Network of

Authorities and Academics for Change

A network of academics and people from the “system” who see the need for change and lend their professional expertise to the work of “Supporters” and the “Doers.” Such as active or retired:

  • Custody officers
  • Sheriffs
  • Scholars
  • Writers
  • Interested others

Actions and Relationships

The engagement of the members of these Networks includes two parts: actions and relationships. Members of the Networks are equally committed to engaging with each other as human beings, genuinely interested in each other and eager to learn what the other has to teach.

These transformational relationships grow and enrich the lives of the people involved. They add value to our lives and provide the foundation for improvements in the community that can only spring from understanding more about people than just their needs or resources. Personal relationships, civic engagement, and daily practices of commitment to trust and justice are always the ultimate source of well-being in any community.

A Modern Technological Space

The Global Justice Neighborhood is a modern technological space where these practices can generate development, innovation and support through the mutual engagement of community members from around the world.

We all have a stake in the justice policies and practices where we live. Our voices can be recognized in the practices of citizenship to increase community well-being – the real goal of justice in action. We welcome you to find out more about joining a virtual residence in the Global Justice Neighborhood on the next page. Check it out. We will respond to you promptly.